" /> FAQs on Referrals - Meroo Street Family Practice
Monday - Friday
8:00am - 6:00pm
(02) 4421 4655
Fax: (02) 4423 5814
1 Meroo St,
Bomaderry NSW 2541

FAQ’s on Specialist Referrals


I have changed the specialist I am seeing, do I need a new referral?

No. A referral is valid for any other practitioner addressing the problem outlined in the referral.  A change of details requires another GP appointment.

What if my referral is out of date?

A referral lasts 12 months from the date the Specialist first sees the patient NOT the date it was written. New referrals however, require a GP appointment.

I have lost referral, what should do I do?

If a referral has been made but the referral has been lost you can still access an initial consultation with a specialist by supplying the name of your GP, the practice address or Medicare provider number of your GP.

However, for future visits to your specialist a replacement referral must be made. You can request a referral from your GP by booking an appointment online.

How long does a referral last and when do I need a new referral?

If supplied by a GP, the law states that a referral is valid for a single course of treatment for a period of 12 months after the first service, although the GP can indicate an alternative time period (e.g 3, 6, 18 months or indefinite).

Note the referral period begins on the date of the first specialist visit, not on the date the referral was written. This is frequently misunderstood, including by Specialists and their receptionists. If a specialist or their reception staff request a new referral when your GP has supplied you with an indefinite referral for a particular condition, you do NOT need to do so.

Can I use my referral to see someone else?

Yes, you can. It is not a Medicare or legal requirement for a referral to be addressed to a named specialist. If you have a referral that starts with “Dear gastroenterologist” that is acceptable to access the service and also to receive payment from Medicare using that referral.

This is also frequently misunderstood, by Specialists and their receptionists. If you are requested to supply a named referral before you book with or see a specialist know that you do not have to do so.

Here are some links to additional information on referrals: